2014년 7월 25일 금요일

Vergez Blanchard : Diamond Awl (ALENE AUX PINCES) and Round Awl (ALENE RONDE)

This is a Vergez Blanchard Diamond Awl (ALENE AUX PINCES) and Round Awl (ALENE RONDE). Handle is made of Boxwood. Brass Ferrule

Top and bottom ones are round awl which has round handle.
Round awl handle has varnish finish.
Two middle ones are diamond awl which has flat cut.
Diamond awl had no finish. I think it's because when you hold in your hand and do saddle stitch, varnish is too slippery.
These awls are essential for leather craft. 
you need round awl to mark cutting lines and diamond awl to make stitch holes.

When you purchase any awl from any brand. you need to finish them on your own.
How you finish the awl depends on your style making holes. 
you need to mirror finish awl blade to minimized friction. 
Diamond awl shape looks like this ◆  which make too big holes. 
you need to shape the awl blade like this ()

Tool you need to shape the awl blade is file and sandpaper.

you start with file and coarse sand paper around grit#100.

after that, you go finer and finer. 
#100 → #200 → #300 → #400 → #600 → #800 → #1000 → #1200 → #1500 → #2000

you can also use Japanse water stone to sharpen the awl. 

one thing you should be aware is that.

1. DO NOT USE any power tools since they can mess up the heat treatment of the blade.
2. Becareful when you push againt the sandpaper or sharpening stone. if you push too hard, you might snap the blade. 

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